Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oh how I've missed you

These are very popular at my house. Josh & his friends love my chocolate chip cookies & I usually have them around the house, because they're such an easy treat to have around for them. But they're much easier to make when I have a cookie scoop. Mine broke last year. Without the cookie scoop, I have to use spoons and usually end up with cookie dough all over my fingers. Finally last week, I caved & bought a new cookie scoop. I had forgotten how much easier it was to make cookies with the scoop & how much faster! And how pretty the cookies look when they're all the same size & look so pretty!! Now I remember that I can never go without it!!!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

:) lovin' the cookie scoop @ our house too! BEST invention {well, as far as cookies go anyhow!}