Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cute Chicks

So, remember I mentioned a couple of months ago that we were going to get chickens. Well, we have them! We got them a couple of weeks ago. They were so cute & so tiny! Once I saw them, I thought to myself, well heck, why didn't I want to get them? They're awfully cute! Over the coure of the last two weeks, as they've grown, I've remembered why I didn't want them! They're only two weeks old & they're already getting ugly. But we are two weeks closer to having our own fresh eggs, so that is a bonus!

Aren't they cute? These photos are at about 5 days old.

And these photos are today. They will be two weeks old tomorrow. Not so cute anymore, huh? I don't have as many photos because the flash was kind of freaking them out.


Jessica said...

They are really cute at first but I agree they do get ugly as they get older. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I am always excited to find someone else's blog to look at . . . It makes it easier to connect with people you don't see very often.

Micah and Jen said...

Ah, they WERE so cute! just like pigs & cows....not so cute when they get bigger...but I for one am VERY excited for those fresh from the farm eggs! :)