Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Thinking

One of my favorite things to do at this time of year is go out in the living room in the evening when the house is quiet and turn off all the lights, leaving on only the silver bell tree and the lights on the mantel and piano. I think because of my lack of Christmas spirit this year, I've only gone out to my favorite spot once this year. But I spent some quality time out there tonight. My eye kept being drawn to the silver bell tree. As I let my mind wander and my thoughts take me where they wanted to, I thought of my mom and dad. I count myself so lucky to have grown up with the parents I did. My mom and dad met when mom was 17 and dad 21. They both knew from the moment they met each other that they had just met the person they would make a life with. They got married two years later. I grew up knowing that my mom and dad loved each other unconditionally and with everything they had. I don't ever remember a day going by where I didn't see mom and dad hug and kiss. As I got older, and I had friends who's parents split up or didn't seem to have the relationship mom and dad did, I realized how blessed I was to have that example of love in my life. My dad has been gone for 15 years now, and to this day, my mom knows that she married the love of her life and that no one could ever love her the way Dad did and that she could never love anyone the way she loves Dad.

My sincere prayer for everyone I love is that they are lucky enough to find that kind of love and their soul mate and that they are smart enough to recognize them and hold on tight when they do find them!

This year, the 48th silver bill will go on the silver bell tree. When that bell is added on Christmas Eve, it will be emotional, because it always makes me miss Daddy, but it will be a moment of joy too, as we share memories of the best man I have ever known. I love you mom and dad. Thank you for a lifetime example of love and respect. You've shown me what I want.


Micah and Jen said...

Not only did they show you what you want, but what you deserve! No woman or man deserves anything less than this type of marriage. But it comes with every day, working together, on everything. It can be hard at times, but mostly it's so easy and wonderful when you have that perfect one for you. Trust me, I know the difference. Thanks for sharing this beautiful message about your wonderful parents! :)

Shamae (Ghost written by Loren her hubby) said...

Your parents relationship is rare nad beautiful indeed Liza. I'm sure they are an example to more folks than just you. I remember when my folks divorced 8 years ago--sometimes it's still so surreal. But I knew that wasn't what I wanted. I got a good one and I hope my kids can look at us and be the same example your parents showed to you. :-) Hugs.